Joanna Roth Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Age, Boyfriend

Joanna Roth is an accomplished British actress with a career spanning several decades. She is best known for her roles in television shows and movies such as “A Mind to Murder,” “Inspector Morse,” and “Midsomer Murders.” In this article, we will take a closer look at her life, career, age, relationship status, and net worth.


Joanna Roth was born on September 22, 1965, in London, England. She studied drama at the Central School of Speech and Drama and graduated in 1987.


Roth’s career began in the late 1980s with a small role in the British TV series “The Bill.” She went on to appear in various other TV shows, including “A Mind to Murder,” “Inspector Morse,” and “Midsomer Murders.” She has also appeared in movies such as “This Year’s Love,” “The House of Mirth,” and “Run Fatboy Run.”

In addition to her work as an actress, Roth has also worked as a voice-over artist, providing the voice for several audiobooks, including “The Ladies’ Paradise” by Emile Zola and “The End of the Affair” by Graham Greene.


As of 2023, Joanna Roth is 57 years old.


There is no public information available about Joanna Roth’s current relationship status.

Net Worth

Joanna Roth’s net worth is estimated to be between $1 million and $5 million.


Q: What is Joanna Roth known for? A: Joanna Roth is known for her roles in TV shows and movies such as “A Mind to Murder,” “Inspector Morse,” and “Midsomer Murders.”

Q: What is Joanna Roth’s age? A: Joanna Roth is 57 years old.

Q: What is Joanna Roth’s net worth? A: Joanna Roth’s net worth is estimated to be between $1 million and $5 million.


  • Joanna Roth is a graduate of the Central School of Speech and Drama in London.
  • She has appeared in a number of British TV shows, including “A Mind to Murder,” “Inspector Morse,” and “Midsomer Murders.”
  • Roth has also worked as a voice-over artist, providing the voice for several audiobooks.
  • Her net worth is estimated to be between $1 million and $5 million.
Category Information
Full Name Joanna Roth
Birthdate September 22, 1965
Age 57
Occupation Actress, Voice-over Artist
Net Worth $1 million – $5 million
Relationship Status Unknown
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