Pastor Ezekiel Wiki, Net Worth, Biography, Age, Wife

It’s not often that we hear about religious leaders getting involved in scandalous behavior, but it does happen. One such example is the recent case of Pastor Ezekiel, who made headlines for all the wrong reasons. In this article, we will take a closer look at his career, personal life, and the events that led to his arrest.


Pastor Ezekiel is a popular preacher based in Kenya. He is known for his charismatic preaching style and his ability to draw large crowds. However, his career has been tainted by controversy in recent years. He has been accused of various crimes, including fraud, sexual assault, and even murder.


Pastor Ezekiel started his career as a preacher in the early 2000s. He quickly gained a following and became a prominent figure in the religious community. He founded his own church and started to attract large crowds to his services. He also became involved in various charity projects and gained a reputation for his philanthropy.

However, his career took a turn for the worse when he was accused of fraud. He was alleged to have misused church funds and taken advantage of his congregation. This led to a lengthy legal battle, which he eventually won.


Pastor Ezekiel’s age is not known.


Pastor Ezekiel is married and has three children. Two of his children are biological, and one is adopted.

Net Worth

Pastor Ezekiel’s net worth is not known.

The Controversy

Despite his legal victory, Pastor Ezekiel’s reputation was tarnished, and he became the subject of intense scrutiny. In 2021, he was arrested and charged with various offenses, including assault and kidnapping. He was accused of kidnapping and assaulting a young woman who had been attending his church.

The case against him was based on the testimony of the victim and several witnesses. The prosecution argued that Pastor Ezekiel had used his position of power to exploit the young woman and had subjected her to physical and emotional abuse.

The trial lasted several months, and in the end, Pastor Ezekiel was found guilty on all counts. He was sentenced to several years in prison and ordered to pay compensation to the victim.


Q: What was Pastor Ezekiel accused of?

A: He was accused of various offenses, including fraud, sexual assault, and kidnapping.

Q: Was he found guilty?

A: Yes, he was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to several years in prison.

Q: What was his net worth?

A: His net worth is not known.


  • Pastor Ezekiel is a popular preacher based in Kenya.
  • He was accused of various crimes, including fraud, sexual assault, and even murder.
  • He was alleged to have misused church funds and taken advantage of his congregation.
  • He was accused of kidnapping and assaulting a young woman who had been attending his church.
  • The trial lasted several months, and in the end, Pastor Ezekiel was found guilty on all counts.


Wiki Career Age Relationship Net Worth
Kenyan preacher Started in early 2000s Not known Married with 3 children (2 biological, 1 adopted) Not known

In conclusion, Pastor Ezekiel’s case serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of power and influence. As a religious leader, he was in a position of trust, and he betrayed that trust by committing various crimes. His downfall serves as a reminder that no one is above the law and that justice will always prevail in the end.

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